Our Products

We have a production capacity of 150 million tubes per year with the latest letter press machines with the state of the art Compression molding system to make perfect tube shoulders. We use Japanese machines to print up to 7 colors with the option of Cold Stamping on tubes. 

Laminated Tubes

Diameter Threads Typical Applications
13mm M8, Eye Nozel M7 Toothpaste, shaving cream, pharmaceutical tubes, ointments
16mm M8, Eye Nozel M7 Toothpaste, hotel industry, pharmaceutical tubes, ointments
19mm M8, S13 Toothpaste, cosmetic products, ointments, dermatological creams
22mm S13, Eye Nozel M7 Toothpaste, cosmetic products
25mm S13 Toothpaste, cosmetics, whitening creams
30mm S13 Toothpaste and cosmetic products
35mm S13 Toothpaste and cosmetic products

Plastic Tubes (EVOH Barrier)

Diameter Threads Typical Applications
22mm S13 Scrubs, face wash
35mm S13 Scrubs, face wash
50mm S22 Conditioner tubes, scrubs, face wash, hair gel